Maxim Vedenev
Freelancer, Matlab programmer,
Comsol programmer, Physicist

I don't work as freelancer any more
Last site update was in 2013
Just keep the site alive for history
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Java projects


      It is sound visualization UI. mp3 or wav file can be opened and start play. Playback controls are start/pause/stop. There are three kinds of visualizations: graph, spectrum, waves. Spectum was made using fft. The waves simulated as numericle solution of 2d wave equation with decay. Finite differencies were used. SWT library was used. It was made in Eclipse debugger.

      It is Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) made as console application. Objective function f(x,y,z,w) = 2yw+z(x-2w) is minimized using set of points.
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